Based in jember city, East Java, Adi Mitra Tembakau is a Virginia tobacco trading company that has grown over time through high work dedication and ethos. With the spirit of being a superior Tobacco Trading, making Adi Mitra Tembakau as a new company with competitive capabilities.
Quality Oriented Company and become a trusted Partner.
From the beginning of the process of breeding and maintenance is not separated from the attention and also control of us and our fellow farmers. So that the quality produced quality and products that can compete in the market.
We only choose Tobacco from quality land and conditions of promising quality. Because for our company, customer satisfaction is our goal.
Quality becomes our mainstay, our company uses experts in this field, so that the uniformity of the quality of purchase can be maintained properly. With our direct purchasing station in Lombok (NTB), to make it easier to reach the source of production materials.
Currently our company has 2 (two) production warehouse locations, located in Jember and Bojonegoro (East Java). With the experience and guidance of our parents as well as teachers for us, so that the consistency of production quality can be maintained well. well.
In 2018 Adi Mitra Tembakau started the traiding business with heavy quantity in the first year of 307 tons, in 2019 with increasing demand from buyers, then we increased the quantity of weight to 519 tons, and will continue to grow for the next year.